LLV Board of Directors

Babette Blankenheim, President (Term expires 2025)

Vacant, Vice President (Term expires 2024)

Dana Rinderknecht, Secretary (Term expires 2024)

Nathan Budahn, Treasurer (Term expires 2023)

Caitlin Zimmerman, Board Member-at-Large (Term expires 2025)

Vacant, Board Member-at-Large (Term expires 2023)

To e-mail the entire board: lakelochwoodboard@gmail.com


The LLV Board of Directors meets on the third Thursday of each month from 6:00-8:00 pm. Meetings are a hybrid format where homeowners can either meet in the clubhouse or use Zoom.

2023 Board Meeting Schedule

January 30
February 16
March 16
April 20
May 18
June 15
July 20
August 17
September 21
October 19
November 16 - Annual Meeting
December - No Meeting

The HOA is committed to the evolution of this site into a resource that residents not only use regularly but also consider to be an asset within the community.  As you explore the various pages and links, we encourage you to think about what could be done better - or what is, perhaps, missing - and to forward those thoughts to lakelochwood@gmail.com.  Additionally, we really DO need to update the photo database. Additional information can be found here.